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The Essentials Set

Powdered Supplements Formulated for Absorption

The Essentials Set


Shop em' all! Introducing The Essentials Set featuring all 4 of our solutions, Restore, Energy, Calm and Sleep. 

We've formulated each of our blends using groundbreaking Capsoil® technology — the first-ever water-soluble delivery system for liposomal nutrients proven to increase bioavailability by up to 500%. To enhance our commitment to maximum efficacy, we not only utilize breakthrough absorption technology but also procure all our ingredients in their most bioavailable form, and ensure their effectiveness through support from human clinical studies.

Restore (Mango Lemonade) when electrolytes alone just aren't cutting it.

Energy (Fruit Punch) when caffeine just isn’t getting the job done.

Sleep (Chamomile Lemonade) when you can’t count on counting sheep.

Calm (Watermelon Lemonade) when you need something stronger than deep breaths.

The fast-acting solution to get your mind & body going.

  • Rapid recovery with Capsoil® CoQ10 to enhance mitochondrial function, energize cells, and boost vitality.
  • Next-level antioxidants with advanced Capsoil® Liposomal Vitamin C for superior immune support.
  • Supports liver detox with Capsoil® Liposomal Glutathione. Especially helpful after having one too many.
  • Bioavailable Methylated B blend for your daily vitamin needs in the most convenient, absorbent format. 
  • Sustained energy with Capsoil® enhanced nanometric caffeine optimized with Dynamine® to get rid of the crash.
  • Cognition and focus support with Alpha GPC, Sabroxy®, and Tyrosine.
  • Next-level antioxidants with advanced Capsoil® Liposomal Glutathione and Capsoil® Liposomal Vitamin C for superior immune support.
  • No jitters with L-Theanine to maintain an even flow state.
  • Elevated mood with uplifting Sensoril® Ashwaganda and Vitamin D for happiness in a bottle.
  • Reduce stress and drift into a deep sleep the natural way with Capsoil® Liposomal Saffron and Capsoil® Liposomal Passionflower.
  • Increase relaxation and improve quality of sleep using PharmaGABA® and Glycine. 
  • Avoid drowsy mornings with Tart Cherry Juice allowing you to wake up from a restful sleep without feeling groggy.
  • Replenish electrolytes for restorative sleep with Capsoil® Liposomal Magnesium Bisglycinate.
  • Find calm with Sensoril® Ashwagandha and Capsoil® Passionflower to help you unwind and reduce cortisol levels. 
  • Regulate mood with Capsoil® Vitamin D so you can improve your mood even when the sun isn't shining.
  • Zen out quickly with Zembrin®, a natural plant extract that takes quick effect to elevate mood.
  • Focus on the positive with cognitive enhancing nootropic Sabroxy®. 

Shake it up with 16oz of cold water.

Drink. Enjoy. Do it again when you need to.

The best ingredients, researched for decades.

We regularly test, assess, and reassess 100's of ingredients to ensure you’re receiving the absolute best nutrients in both quality and efficacy.

  • 5-HTP

    A natural compound that converts into serotonin.

    What it does:

    Helps improve sleep regulation and quality of sleep.

    So what?

    Serotonin 🤝 Better sleep

  • Alphasize® Alpha GPC
    Alphasize® Alpha GPC

    A superior, more bioavailable version of choline due to its unique ability to pass through the blood-brain barrier.

    What it does:

    A naturally-derived advanced choline compound that pro- motes release of the brain’s primary neuro-transmitter chemical.

    So what?

    Stay focused, improve your concentration, and keep your memory as sharp as a tack.

  • Apigenin

    A compound found in a variety of plants like chamomile that help promote relaxation.

    What it does:

    Brings on feelings of calm to help you drift off to sleep faster.

    So what?

    Helps your body & mind sink into sleep faster.

  • B Vitamins
    B Vitamins

    The cornerstone of health, B Vitamins have a hand in nearly every major function of the body.

    What it does:

    Our blend helps maintain a healthy metabolism, cellular rejuvenation, and overall health.

    So what?

    Drinking and being sick deplete our B Vitamins—The Restore/Hydrate helps get those numbers up.

  • Capsoil Nanometric Caffeine®
    Capsoil Nanometric Caffeine®

    Natural caffeine that’s clinically proven to deliver faster absorption and less crash.

    What it does:

    Get a sustained alertness without the jitters or the comedown.

    So what?

    Provides the ultimate foundation for the stack of ingredients found in Energy.

  • Capsoil® Coq10
    Capsoil® Coq10

    Your favorite vitamin derived from natural fruits — encapsulated in protective, fat-soluble liposomes to enhance absorption.

    What it does:

    Powerful antioxidant known for immune boosting benefits.

    So what?

    Stay healthy even when you’re not living healthy.

  • Capsoil® Liposomal Glutathione
    Capsoil® Liposomal Glutathione

    The most abundant antioxidant in our bodies in its most bioavailable form.

    What it does:

    One of the most powerful detoxifying nutrients in the world, also essential in aerobic energy metabolism.

    So what?

    A steady source of sustained energy to power you throughout the day.

  • Capsoil® Liposomal Magnesium Biglycinate
    Capsoil® Liposomal Magnesium Biglycinate

    Magnesium's chelated form (when a mineral is bound to another substance) meets Liposomal delivery for maximum absorption.

    What it does:

    Regulates neurotransmitters and helps to reduce cortisol, promoting a sense of calm.

    So what?

    Addresses magnesium deficiency (50% of people are lacking in magnesium) to make way for better sleep.

  • Capsoil® Liposomal Passionflower
    Capsoil® Liposomal Passionflower

    A traditional herbal remedy renowned for its natural sedative properties. 

    What it does:

    Helps promote calm, reduce anxiety, and aid sleep.

    So what?

    Get zenned out the safe and natural way.

  • Capsoil® Liposomal Saffron
    Capsoil® Liposomal Saffron

    The world's priciest spice, clinically demonstrated to be as effective at reducing stress symptoms as antidepressants—now in an enhanced Liposomal form. 

    What it does:

    Boosts serotonin levels, fights inflammation, and reduces cortisol levels.

    So what?

    Natural, non-addictive formula for your deepest sleep yet. 

  • Capsoil® Liposomal Vitamin C
    Capsoil® Liposomal Vitamin C

    Your favorite vitamin derived from natural fruits — encapsulated in protective, fat-soluble liposomes to enhance absorption.

    What it does:

    Powerful antioxidant known for immune boosting benefits.

    So what?

    Stay healthy even when you’re not living healthy.

  • Capsoil® Vitamin D
    Capsoil® Vitamin D

    The “sunshine vitamin” essential for immune health and mood regulation, with deficiencies often linked to mood disorders.

    What it does:

    Essential for mood regulation, calcium absorption, and overall well being. 

    So what?

    Think of it as the most efficient delivery system for your Vitamin D. 

  • Carnitine

    An amino acid that helps convert long-chain fatty acids into mitochondria (which are essential to produce energy and power cells). 

    What it does:

    Helps convert fat into energy.

    So what?

    It’s an easy way to make your next snack work harder for you.

  • Chamomile

    Daisy-like herb usually found in your nighttime tea, it’s a gentle natural sedative. 

    What it does:

    Helps your body and mind wind down before bed.

    So what?

    Ditch the melatonin, but not the restful sleep.

  • Dynamine®

    Natural, energizing compound derived from kucha tea.

    What it does:

    Keeps caffeine in check by promoting earlier onset and extended half-life.

    So what?

    Feel the benefits of caffeine faster with a steady buzz so there’s no crash.

  • L Glycine
    L Glycine

    An amino acid essential for enhancing sleep quality.

    What it does:

    Promotes relaxation, deepens restorative sleep, and improves overall sleep quality by  regulating body temperature and brain activity.

    So what?

    Deep sleep for lighter mornings. 

  • L Theanine
    L Theanine

    This ancient herbal remedy is extracted from the Orris root and is packed with antioxidant properties.

    What it does:

    Helps combat oxidative stress and promote cognitive function.

    So what?

    Quiets the mind, aiding restful sleep.

  • Magnesium Glycinate
    Magnesium Glycinate

    An electrolyte, it’s one of the most bioavailable and easily absorbed forms of magnesium.

    What it does:

    Helps support energy production, muscle function, and bone health.

    So what?

    Pushed your body too hard? Magnesium helps get you back in the game.

  • Methylcolbalmin (Vitamin B12)
    Methylcolbalmin (Vitamin B12)

    A metabolically active form of B vitamins.

    What it does:

    Methylated vitamins are more bioavailable, resulting in more absorption and utilization.

    So what?

    B vitamins not only give you energy, but they help the body break down other nutrients to use those as fuel too.

  • Methylfolate (Vitamin B9)
    Methylfolate (Vitamin B9)

    One of our favorite B Vitamins, methylfolate helps support DNA synthesis and cell growth.

    What it does:

    Bypasses typical absorption barriers to support positive mood, DNA repair, and cellular regrowth. 

    So what?

    Methylfolate helps support bodily functions so you can function. 

  • N Acetyl Tyrosine
    N Acetyl Tyrosine

    Nootropic that helps boost dopamine, norepinephrine and epinephrine levels. 

    What it does:

    Helps fire up cognitive function, especially in stressful situations. 

    So what?

    Feel razor sharp, regardless of what’s ahead. 

  • Natural Caffeine
    Natural Caffeine

    A cleaner, more natural version of your favorite source of energy.

    What it does:

    Improved energy, greater alertness, improved cognition.

    So what?

    It’s a great foundation for all the other incredible nutrients in here.

  • Organic Lemon Juice Powder
    Organic Lemon Juice Powder

    All-natural powder derived from frozen and freeze-dried lemons.

    What it does:

    Promotes better digestion and nutrient absorption—and tastes great. 

    So what?

    Get into bed with natural ingredients, not artificial or added sugar. 

  • Organic Natural Flavor
    Organic Natural Flavor

    Organic natural flavors, derived from real plants, boost taste profiles while ensuring purity, quality, zero chemicals.

    What it does:

    Uses botanical oils and other plant parts to make our blends taste amazing.

    So what?

    Avoid big bummers: artificial flavors, sucralose, and generic natural flavors (all are found in many supplements). 

  • Organic Orange Powder
    Organic Orange Powder

    Derived from sun-ripened oranges to offer a vibrant flavor, rich vitamin C, and antioxidant goodness.

    What it does:

    Provides vitamin C and makes our blend taste great. 

    So what?

    Lets you skip artificial ingredients and excess sugar.

  • Pharma GABA®
    Pharma GABA®

    A bioavailable form of the neurotransmitter GABA, produced naturally & safely unlike traditional GABA.

    What it does:

    Increases GABA levels, promotes relaxation, and improves overall sleep quality.

    So what?

    Signals your brain that it’s time for shuteye. 

  • Potassium Citrate
    Potassium Citrate

    A dietary supplement that helps to prevent and treats high acid levels in your body.

    What it does:

    Prevents cramps, enhances electrolyte balance, and supports heart, muscle, and nerve functions.

    So what?

    Because cramps are the worst. 

  • Sabroxy®

    A potent antioxidant and ancient herbal remedy extracted from the Orris root.

    What it does:

    Promotes cognitive function and helps combats oxidative stress.

    So what?

    Gives those brain cells long and short term support.

  • Sodium Chloride
    Sodium Chloride

    Also known as salt :)

    What it does:

    What doesn’t it do? Sodium Chloride is critical in maintaining your electrolyte balance,  aiding digestion, supporting bodily functions and more. 

    So what?

    A simple, clean solution to stay hydrated after intense workouts (aka drinking).

  • Sensoril® Ashwagandha
    Sensoril® Ashwagandha

    An essential evergreen shrub utilized for centuries in traditional Indian medicine.

    What it does:

    Reduces stress, curbs anxiety, steadies the mind.

    So what?

    Keeps the jitters in check for a smooth, steady buzz.

  • Tart Cherry Juice
    Tart Cherry Juice

    Rich in antioxidants, this superfood is linked to a variety of health benefits.

    What it does:

    Helps to reduce cortisol, bolster immunity, enhance cognitive function and boost immunity. 

    So what?

    Feel less stressed and less drowsy in the morning.

  • Taurine

    An amino sulfonic acid that occurs naturally in foods high in protein, like meat or fish. 

    What it does:

    The body uses Taurine for critical functions like producing energy at the cellular level.

    So what?

    Your cells. Producing energy. Boom.

  • Tryptophan

    You know it. But did you know this amino acid aids serotonin production?

    What it does:

    Promotes sleep by boosting serotonin levels (which convert to melatonin).

    So what?

    Stay asleep longer and skip those middle-of-the-night-scaries. 

  • Zembrin®

    A natural extract derived from Sceletium, a plant native to South Africa.

    What it does:

    Support cognitive function, reduce stress & anxiety, and enhance your mood.

    So what?

    Reduces any jitters from energy overload.

How often can I take this?

Each of our blends are designed to be taken when you need them, and optimized for daily use.

Can I combine this with my current supplement routine?

This varies with each of our products. We always suggest you consult your doctor and make sure you are not exceeding the recommended daily values of nutrients.

What do you mean "5X more absorbable"?

Leveraging Capsoil® proprietary technology we are able to reduce nutrient particle size to 200 nm. This increases the surface area of the nutrients so when they pass through your small intestine you can absorb more of the active nutrients. We ran this through human clinical and in vitro studies and found an 500% increase in absorption of nutrients versus the control. This means, given the same dose, you are getting 5x more of the good stuff.

Is this to take during pregnancy or while breastfeeding?

When taking a supplement of any kind during pregnancy or breastfeeding, we recommend consulting a physician and showing them our nutritional labels to make the best decision for you.

Still have questions?

We have answers. Just email us at hello@absorbmore.com.